Parents are encouraged to be active and present in their child’s learning. Parents are made to feel welcome to come into the school to discuss any issue with the classroom teachers or school leaders. Staff are actively present outside at home time to strengthen relationships with parents and discuss their child’s progress if required.

During Kinder/Prep transition programs, we establish and maintain communication with new parents via personal contact, email, text and by providing Term 4 Newsletters to keep them informed of important upcoming dates & events.

We have an Active parents & Friends Committee who run a number of school and community-based events through the year, usually raising upto $10,000/year. These funds are used to improve the resources for students. Raised funds have a clear purpose each year and do not disappear into general revenue.

School Council actively seek way to encourage parent and community involvement. School Council is very proactive in continually improving the school’s resources and facilities.

Working Bees are held each term and are a great way to get involved in the school and meet other families. Refreshments are provided as a way of encouraging social connection.

Whole school Assemblies are held every second Friday from 2.45-3.15pm. Assemblies are led by Grade 6 students and involve an acknowledgement of country, Student of the Fortnight Awards, House Trophy winners, Golden Brush winners, presentation of class work, reminders of upcoming events and often some musical, art or sport items are presented as a demonstration of work that has been completed in class.